Why Do Bees Swarm?
In the world of beekeeping, there is nothing more frustrating than opening up your colony of bees are realising they have swarmed. In this blog, I am going to help you answer the question, why do bees swarm?
What Is Swarming?
Swarming is the reproductive cycle of the honey bee. The colony produces swarm cells within the colony and once the swarm cells are mature, the prime swarm leaves the hive accompanied by the old queen bee. The prime swarm (first swarm of the season) can contain thousands to tens of thousands of bees. Swarms exit the hive and settle 20–30 m away from the hive for a few hours/days. The swarm then departs for a new nest site after getting information from scout bees. They are looking for a safe, permanent home such as a chimney or rotten tree hollow.